Kings Academy West Palm Funny Girl

Dates: May 4-5, & 11-13

Location: The King's Academy - 8401 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach
View the Center for the Performing Arts Seating Chart

Purchase Tickets

Ticket prices:  Orchestra $26      Premium $21      General $16

Ticket Sales are Final and we are unable to do ticket exchanges.

In the Ziegfeld Follies, in Hollywood films, and on the radio, Fanny Brice was one of the most celebrated entertainers of her time. With humor, talent, and chutzpah, young Fanny, an awkward Jewish girl who "isn't pretty," defies the odds and becomes one of the greatest stars of her generation. Her rise to super-stardom, and her turbulent romance with gambler Nick Arnstein, are explored through Bob Merrill and Jule Styne's unforgettable score.

Backstage in her dressing room at the New Amsterdam Theatre, where she is a reigning Ziegfeld star, Fanny Brice sits thoughtfully at her dressing table. Her husband, Nick Arnstein, will soon come home after serving a prison sentence, and she must make a decision about their future. As she ponders her decision, the sights and sounds of her past come back to her.

We see Fanny as a stagestruck teenager on New York City's Lower East Side. Awkward and unattractive, Fanny is fiercely determined to be a star. Her mother and a neighbor try to dissuade her from entering show business but Fanny persists and overwhelms a vaudeville hoofer with her unshakable self-confidence. The dancer, Eddy Ryan, coaches her in singing and dancing, and soon she is wowing vaudeville audiences.

Nick Arnstein, an elegant and well-dressed gentleman, visits Fanny's dressing room after the show. Though she is clearly attracted to him, Fanny is interrupted by a telegram from producer Flo Ziegfeld, who offers her a spot in his current Follies. Fanny is a hit in her first Ziegfeld appearance and Nick celebrates with her at her mother's opening-night block party on Henry Street. At the party, Nick and Fanny share their desires and vulnerabilities

Some months later, in Baltimore, Nick invites Fanny to a private dinner at an exclusive restaurant  and Fanny is smitten. At the railroad station where the Follies company plans to board a train for Chicago, Fanny decides to leave the company and join Nick on a train bound for New York. Seeing a chance for true happiness, she refuses to let anything stand in her way.

Fanny and Nick are married and move into a mansion on Long Island. During rehearsals of a new Follies, Nick approaches Ziegfeld backstage about investing money in a Florida gambling casino. Ziegfeld declines, but Fanny insists on putting up the necessary capital. When Nick's casino venture fails, Fanny tries to treat the bad news lightly, but Nick becomes incensed. Out of desperation, he gets involved in a shady bond deal, and is soon arrested for embezzlement. Fanny, feeling helpless, nonetheless affirms her love for Nick.

The final scene returns to Fanny's dressing room in the present. Nick, just out of prison, enters. While Nick and Fanny still love each other deeply, it is obvious that their marriage can only bring them unhappiness. So, reluctantly, they part. Alone once again, Fanny courageously resolves to get on with her life.

Purchase Tickets

View the Center for the Performing Arts Seating Chart

Ticket prices:  Orchestra $26      Premium $21      General $16

Ticket Sales are Final and we are unable to do ticket exchanges.

In the Ziegfeld Follies, in Hollywood films, and on the radio, Fanny Brice was one of the most celebrated entertainers of her time. With humor, talent, and chutzpah, young Fanny, an awkward Jewish girl who "isn't pretty," defies the odds and becomes one of the greatest stars of her generation. Her rise to super-stardom, and her turbulent romance with gambler Nick Arnstein, are explored through Bob Merrill and Jule Styne's unforgettable score.

Backstage in her dressing room at the New Amsterdam Theatre, where she is a reigning Ziegfeld star, Fanny Brice sits thoughtfully at her dressing table. Her husband, Nick Arnstein, will soon come home after serving a prison sentence, and she must make a decision about their future. As she ponders her decision, the sights and sounds of her past come back to her.

We see Fanny as a stagestruck teenager on New York City's Lower East Side. Awkward and unattractive, Fanny is fiercely determined to be a star. Her mother and a neighbor try to dissuade her from entering show business but Fanny persists and overwhelms a vaudeville hoofer with her unshakable self-confidence. The dancer, Eddy Ryan, coaches her in singing and dancing, and soon she is wowing vaudeville audiences.

Nick Arnstein, an elegant and well-dressed gentleman, visits Fanny's dressing room after the show. Though she is clearly attracted to him, Fanny is interrupted by a telegram from producer Flo Ziegfeld, who offers her a spot in his current Follies. Fanny is a hit in her first Ziegfeld appearance and Nick celebrates with her at her mother's opening-night block party on Henry Street. At the party, Nick and Fanny share their desires and vulnerabilities

Some months later, in Baltimore, Nick invites Fanny to a private dinner at an exclusive restaurant  and Fanny is smitten. At the railroad station where the Follies company plans to board a train for Chicago, Fanny decides to leave the company and join Nick on a train bound for New York. Seeing a chance for true happiness, she refuses to let anything stand in her way.

Fanny and Nick are married and move into a mansion on Long Island. During rehearsals of a new Follies, Nick approaches Ziegfeld backstage about investing money in a Florida gambling casino. Ziegfeld declines, but Fanny insists on putting up the necessary capital. When Nick's casino venture fails, Fanny tries to treat the bad news lightly, but Nick becomes incensed. Out of desperation, he gets involved in a shady bond deal, and is soon arrested for embezzlement. Fanny, feeling helpless, nonetheless affirms her love for Nick.

The final scene returns to Fanny's dressing room in the present. Nick, just out of prison, enters. While Nick and Fanny still love each other deeply, it is obvious that their marriage can only bring them unhappiness. So, reluctantly, they part. Alone once again, Fanny courageously resolves to get on with her life.


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